In Our Community
At Victory Credit Union we are proud to be strong contributors to our communities. We are committed to supporting local businesses, non-profit and community organizations and our members through various programs and initiatives.
A Credit Union's purpose is to provide service to members and to contribute to your economic, social, and environmental well-being. Victory Credit Union helps our local communities prosper in many ways....
Casual for a Cause program - a staff run initiative that allows staff to dress casual on Friday's, pay a toonie and donate the money quarterly to a non profit organization in our community.
Sponsorships - Victory enjoys sponsoring community events such as 4H, sporting events, Christmas Angels and many others annually. For more information on sponsorships, please contact: jdunfield@victorycredtiunion.ca
Each One Teach One - an innovative financial literacy program that delivers basic financial skills workshops in community settings free of charge. We have several workshops available ranging from basic budgeting to managing debt to home ownership. For more information or to have a workshop delivered for your group, please contact: sfletcher@victorycreditunion.ca